Poorly written ads or leaving out critical information can make all the difference between finding several interested buyers and finding none. When you’re selling your horse you’re ideally looking to get the ad in front of as many people as possible, so that you can find the right buyer from …
Understand the legal considerations of buying a horse before you sign on the dotted line
Buying a horse is not only a significant investment of money but also an emotional investment – getting swept away by those big, soft eyes is just too easy! Finding the right horse for you is so very important and you should understand the legalities of making this kind of …
Introduce your horse to pasture the right way
Horses eat grass, everyone knows that. But what is surprising to a lot of people is that, even though grass is the most natural food source for a horse, it isn’t as simple as opening the gate and letting your horse into a lush, green field. If you don’t turn …
What is horse sharing and is it the right thing for you?
Owning a horse is like a dream come true, but what if you’re pressed for time? Or if it’s simply not practical for you to have your own horse at the moment? When you don’t have enough time to exercise your horse sufficiently or want to get some help with …
How to avoid looking like an idiot when reading a horse sale ad (most common abbreviations explained)
The world is full of terms and abbreviations used in equestrian jargon and in horse sale adverts. When you’re reading a horse sale ad, you should read it carefully and try to see what’s between the lines, because it’s often that which isn’t said that matters. Sellers will easily omit …
How to enquire about a horse that is for sale (and what to say when you get nervous talking on the phone)
So, you’ve seen an advert for a horse that you’re interested in. What do you do next? Before picking up your phone or hovering your fingers over your keyboard to write an email to the vendor, put together a list of questions that will help you get the information you …
What to think about when you go see a horse that you’d like to buy
After you’ve enquired about the horse that you’re interested in and reviewed the answers you got from the seller, it’s time to decide if you want to see the horse. If so far, the horse seems like it could be the right one for you, make an appointment with the …
Are you making these 13 mistakes when feeding your horse?
Admit it, you know eating that salad is healthier than that burger and fries you’re ordering right now. We all do this when we’re busy, busy, busy and running form one place to the next. And we all do our best to feed our horses a well-rounded diet that contains …
What basic equipment do you need for your first horse?
Once you’ve decided it’s time to buy a horse of your own, or you’ve already bought one, you’ll need to get some basic equipment for taking care of your horse. The special equipment you’ll need are the things directly related to caring for and riding or driving your horse. Although, …
7 questions to ask when choosing where to stable your horse
For any horse owner choosing where to keep your horse is a big decision and it can be a challenging one if you’re a first-time horse owner. You should choose a livery yard that is insured and complies with the current health and safety guidelines and that will offer you …
What kind of stabling options can you get for your horse?
Depending on what you and your horse need, there are several different kinds of livery options. Livery, or boarding as it’s also called, means that you don’t keep your horse at home but rent a field, stable and related services from someone else. Stabling your horse is one of the …
3 ways to introduce your new horse to the herd
Getting a new horse is super exciting (doesn’t matter if it’s your first one or your fifth one), but getting the new member to join your already existing herd can result in some tense moments. Horses are herd animals and you should always strive to have your horse live in …